To build bridges between the young and older generations and ignite a passion for love, service, and training in a rapidly changing culture through a biblically-centered, authentic, and faithful community.
A Message from our Pastors
“We are very excited to welcome you to join our church family. Our mission here at International Assembly of God Church is to ignite a passion for love, service, and training alongside a biblically centered community.
As a part of our community, you will experience a spirit filled worship, life changing message and a new perspective on your relationship with God.
We know this is just the beginning of your journey here and we are excited to see you grow."
Dr. Roy Cheriyan
This life is a race, and as we run this race of life, it’s always good to have a church and a community that supports you and helps you grow in Christ, be Christ-centered, and reveal Christ in and through our lives. Hebrews 11 is called the Wall of Faith, recounting our patriarchs who walked this life of faith in Christ, and encouraging us to do the same. Hebrews 12:2 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith
Pastor Jimmy Thomas